Saturday, June 26, 2010

Quick rant

Just a couple thoughts...

For you Chico people, how many of you have tried the Bear?  Madison Bear Gardens that is, bar and grill type of place.  Well I have only been there twice, I believe, once with Aaron for fries and Guinness.  And, again just the other day, and let me say: its decent.  Of course it is more of a bar type of place, so not a family joint, but fun none the less.  I am not a bar type of guy at all, but the burgers are killer.  The fries however are sadly bland.  For all the drunkies looking to get something to soak up the beer they will do, but next to the burger... nah!

I have been invited to play with one of the worship teams at my church.  A fun affair for sure, seeing that I love a good jam.  I need to get more used to actually playing complimenting parts.  A great bass player makes a strong foundation and can support in times need for the guitar.  Though one of the common things I hear is that the bass lines tend to "out-do" the vocals.... no bueno, unless it is a band without vocals and happens to be a bass led song.  I do feel that in most music, bass is really just something that is there because it should be.  Like why all punk bands stick to a 1, 4, 5 chord progression with a quick beat; both guitar and bass are equally distorted and played with a pick.  Bluegrass, is thought to always have that bouncy 1, 5 bass line (i.e. Folsom Prison Blues, Johnny Cash; not necessarily bluegrass I know but a spin of for sure.)  In other words, I want to be an "active" player but not so noticed for all my fancy techniques, but rather that on a subconscious level the band sounds better do to where I can fill in with the lower set of notes.

I love being a dad, I smile many times a day just because of my little boy.  Seeing pictures in my phone even, I get a bit choked up.  He is just a joy to have and to watch him grow and learn new things.  I do have, in the back of my head, a little nagging, thinking about stuff I want for him and what I need to do to achieve those things and whether or not I am living my life in a way I would want him to follow.... and so on.  But I am confident that if I continue to strive after Jesus, He will direct me and Josiah will follow His example.

Thats about it...  

Friday, June 25, 2010

The oddity of the church

"The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field.  It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches." Matthew 13:31

From a humble beginning with 12 guys, one previously deceased teacher, a new gospel and a resurrection to prove it the church started in upper rooms waiting for direction.  That direction came in a powerful way as the Holy Spirit descended upon them bringing the gift of tongues as a witness of the power of God.  So in just a few days the church grew to over 3000 people! But, how could these 12, also being new believers, take on a congregation of 3000?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I believe in a better condition...

Or, "We have eternity in our hearts." Or, "Thinking that life matters is an understatement."

This will hopefully turn out to be more of a "free flowing" blog seeing that I intend to cover a broad statement. This comes from the verse that says that we have eternity written in our hearts (Psalms... I think...). Obviously one of the titles is this verse, yet the other two are from lyrics by a couple of bands that I enjoy. I believe this topic is more widely discussed than we would see on the surface.

Story is a marvelous way to put out a point and invoke an emotional response. We see this everywhere: campfires, bedtime, books, radio, movies and so on. Most of the best stories have a common theme. Good triumphs over evil, and the underdog comes out on top.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Most understand how wages work: your preform a task for someone in exchange for some form of wages.  Some of us know more than others, and some wish they had more experience with this.  This does however apply to more than just money or goods.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Quick first post.

So here is a little bite to start off with... yes, bite, not bit, but bite like a sandwich.

Do you ever get the feeling that you some times catch up to your life?  Or your life catches up to you?  I have had both experiences, though over the past 2 years it has definitely been the first.  At times it almost feels as if I wake up and so much has happened.