Waiting on a download....
There was a time when my view was fairly focused and simple. Of course that has been many many years now. Anxiety has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. As a younger boy I remember one of the earliest on-set's of anxiety was when my dad had told me there was a comet which had passed very close to the earth. I remember thinking about life ending and being quite afraid and anxious, needless to say my day was consumed with worry. It always passes, more due to lack of interest than anything.
I have been anxious over school, girls, work, family, money, well you name it and I have had an issue with worry. Now I know this isn't an uncommon problem, though I take it very personally of course. Music has always given comfort and even answers in times that I couldn't get out of worry by mere thought. It is one of the only outlets I have found in life, weather it is listening to it or playing. I am sure there is a deeper reality to what music is and what its function is in the universe.
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication make your request know to God."