Friday, November 19, 2010

EBS Sweden AB - Professional Bass Equipment

EBS Sweden AB - Professional Bass Equipment

This is my newly re-found toy! I am trying to get into a practice routine.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Post

Isn't is amazing that I am here creating a new post? It has been a while and seems a necessary thing to get some of the goodies out of my jumbled mess of a brain. First thing is first though, my newly discovered passion of music.

Music has a grip in my life. I have not always been the connoisseur that I am today. It had to grow on me and find its way into my heart. There are so many purposes for music. Comfort, release, expression, therapy. I love to sing along with most everything I listen to, I even find myself humming or vocalizing the instrumental stuff.

My recent recourse to music was when I realized that I had spent 1000 dollars on a bass guitar, not to mention equipment, that was sitting in front of the congregation at church while someone else played a different bass... how sad! I have been in various bands throughout my life, even the same band with different names, only to find myself moving on in life to pursue my wife and child. I know God has blessed my in these things and my family gives me all the more inspiration to write and play.

Which, related and not, brings me to another new found joy: writing. I love to write, catchy phrases, deep ideology with a twist on words, or something as simple as a blog entry. Starting this one I realized how I had lost my edge on typing... So now with patience and determination I plan to regain my passions.

Full time work and parenting and being a husband has the main role in my life, all hand in hand having the same ultimate goal. I love the family I have received from the Lord. I am passionate about my ability to consider and describe the things of this world, and the gift of music to better do so with. I long for the day I can do all these things with out the presence of sin and have an eternity to do them.