Sunday, March 13, 2011


My wife and I recently came to the decision to better spend our money when it comes to our food. The idea started with buying organic and better food choices in general.

Vegetables from farmers market was the first goal. That went over very well and we have expanded our variety. My thought was also it is a novel idea top buy local seeing that it supports the community and you know it was picked that day.

That made me think of getting local meats yet we were still finishing some we had. Shopping at Chico natural foods we found some milk that its bottled near by in glass bottles which can be returned for a deposit. They also have other dairy products I am eager to try.

Needless to say we are eating healthier and more local. I feel good for several reasons in this venture and how to get into a more regular routine with shopping and what to get.

Friday, March 11, 2011


WillMobile blogging... What's this world coming to? Hopefully the end, though I will say I am enjoying the advances